About Us

Who We Are 

Oh, hey there. Don’t mind us—we’re just swatching the latest Patek Phillipe Watch drop. But now that you’re here...

I started Porter's Bazaar (from here on, I call it PB) in 2021 because, like you, I'm pretty obsessed with fashion, whether it's testing out the latest sneaker to achieve my #MySneakerDreams, discussing the best fashion brand with Style Icons, or investigating the truth about the Satan Shoes by Mschf. My team comprises of friends and aspiring Editors, and is committed to creating an inclusive space that lifts up diverse voices and celebrates the unique style found in each of us. 

No matter your background, skin tone, palette, or budget, you can come to PB and feel like you are being seen and represented. Fashion isn’t one-size-fits-all, but unique to every individual and deeply personal—and we promise to be honest and vulnerable right there with you through our own personal stories. And since it’s as much about how you feel on the inside as it is about what you slather on the outside, you’ll find plenty of expert-backed grooming advice here, too.

So click around. Stay awhile. We hope to make you feel inspired. And if you leave with a new holy-grail product (or two), well—don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Editorial Guidelines

At PB, our mission is simple: to celebrate individuality and empower our readers to find confidence, community and joy through fashion. We know that Grooming includes things like style guides and product reviews, but it’s also more than that. Fashion is identity. Our hair, our facial features, our bodies: They can reflect culture, sexuality, race, even politics. We believe that when it comes to our beauty coverage—from how style outfits are chosen for review to why we write the things we do —the more transparency, the better. That’s why we feel it’s important to share exactly how we go about doing what we do: from how we create our content to who’s behind it and more.

Click here to learn more about our process.

Editorial Policy and Standards

Fact Checking

Our writers investigate claims and confirm all information and data gathered for all articles, including news. We consult relevant, diverse, qualified sources to ensure we’re providing proper context and background to the reader. 

Each news article is thoroughly reviewed by Bishopp and fact checked by Daniel or a member of fact checking team. Articles are rigorously evaluated for accuracy, relevance, and timeliness. 

If you have noticed an issue you would like to bring to our attention, please let us know by emailing bishopp819@gmail.com.


Our editorial teams are committed to telling readers whenever a factual error has been made on a news story at the time of publication. Errors will be investigated and verified by our editorial team. Once the correction has been approved, we will clearly denote the change within the piece of content and why it was made. When an article is factually correct, but the language is not as clear or detailed as necessary, the story may be updated without an editor’s note. 

Our evergreen content is routinely assessed for updates. When a story has been updated, this will be indicated by the date of change at the top of the article. Occasionally, we will redirect some stories to more recent and applicable content. In doing so, the original piece of content may no longer exist in search engines and will redirect to a newer story. News articles often cover a distinct event in time, so they are not routinely updated.

If you would like to report an error, you can do so by emailing bishopp819@gmail.com.


Our writers and editors adhere to strict standards for article sourcing. We rely on current and reputable primary sources, such as expert interviews, scholarly articles, and peer-reviewed journals. All data points, facts, and claims are backed up by at least one reputable source. 

We strongly discourage use of anonymous or unnamed sourcing, as this can erode transparency and reader trust. In the rare instance where an unnamed source is used, we will disclose to readers the reason behind the anonymity and provide necessary context.

A cornerstone of our reporting and sourcing is to feature a diverse range of voices which includes but is not limited to: race, gender identities, sexual orientation, age, and ability.

If you have noticed an issue you would like to bring to our attention, please let us know by emailing bishopp819@gmail.com.

Diversity Pledge

Diversity and inclusivity are at the heart of everything we do. We promise to be upfront and transparent with the actionable steps we’re taking to make diversity, inclusivity, and representation our number-one priority.

If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to us by emailing bishopp819@gmail.com.